With Structure
to Success
suitable for your company

The basis of all actions as a consulting company is the most accurate possible analysis of a project or company.
The better the credit rating, the more creditworthy the company, or the more favourable the conditions required for debt financing. The better the external rating, the more attractive your company is for business partners and customers. And, of course, also for investors. The data collected here is a very good instrument for making appropriate statements and deriving actions from them.
Auditors want to know whether the management is well positioned and whether the balance sheets and strategy are in order. To do this, entrepreneurs have to let them look at their cards. What is part of the daily bread for large companies is associated with discomfort for small and medium-sized enterprises.
Both balance sheet ratios and qualitative factors about the situation of your company flow into the rating result. Incidentally, this also depends on the legal form, the focus of activity, i.e. the economic sector. For example, the focus of a craftsman's business is different from that of a nationally active industrial company or a business start-up - and here the question is whether the company that receives money today will be able to pay it back tomorrow.
Even before the necessary rating, we show you the weak points before the bank employees enter the company to put the balance sheets, profit and loss accounts of the last few years, as well as judgements about market position, products and innovative strength, and the strategic energy emanating from the management, to the test.
We advise you and assess your company creditworthiness in advance. CONNex prepares you and carries out a check based on a multiple discrimination analysis, up to a full company rating, before the first RATING.
Initial Analysis
Researching suitable public funding requires a great deal of time and expertise.
Especially in our focus sectors, however, funding is always part of the financing plan. CONNex has a network of partners and information at its disposal that enable targeted funding tailored to your project. For entrepreneurs with other priorities in their core business, this is a very extensive task, for us it is daily business.
Based on the rating analysis, we can offer the following services:
- Research into possible funding from the federal government, the federal states and the European Union; as well as funding from the respective target countries
- Elaboration of the analysis and financing options from public funds and debt financing options, as well as the possible funding
- Preparation of all funding applications
- Accompanying the funding applications until the funds are approved
- Support with the preparation of the budget after completion of the measures
- Creation of the investment plans
Initial Analysis
Barter Capital is usually needed when:
- Recognised collateral is needed to raise money.
- Additional equity is needed to strengthen/increase the balance sheet
We have more than 20 years of experience with Barter Capital and have installed our own CBC banking systemwww.cbc-barter.com.
Important information:
The use of Barter Capital is handled exclusively by our own experts. In return we give a 14-day "MONEY BACK GUARANTEE". Thus, the interested party has the certainty that his fees are only payable to us if we have successfully booked the Barter Capital into your balance sheet through our cooperating tax consulting and auditing firms. Of course, settlement can also take place at the client's expense via our notary escrow account.
To contact us and arrange an appointment, please use the contact form or call us.
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Are you looking for an investor or do you have an expansion project in the pipeline?
CONNex Consulting & Management GmbH helps you to find an optimal financing solution suitable for your company. After a conscientious assessment, we represent the interests of selected growth companies on a mandate basis.
We help you and advise you during the planning and strategy phase and capital structuring, followed by capital financing in the pre-IPO phase. In addition, we offer applicants holistic advice and support during the subsequent growth process of the company or project.
Private Equity (PE) is classified as an alternative asset class. Alternative asset classes pursue the goal of diversifying assets more strongly, reducing the probability of loss and improving the risk-return profile in the process. Private equity - in contrast to "public equity" - means nothing other than equity investments in privately managed, i.e. non-listed, mostly medium-sized companies (buy-out) or, to a lesser extent, in young companies (venture capital). Thus, private equity is an entrepreneurial asset class, which in its investment decisions at the company level is quite close to the day-to-day business of many entrepreneurs.
We focus on companies that have great economic potential and that demonstrate and enable the most sustainable value preservation possible, even in changing economic cycles. A close relationship with the management of your company is essential for us to face the new challenges together, so that any expansion project can be successfully completed together. The evaluation of potential is carried out according to a precisely defined procedure and highlights all aspects of future cooperation.
Differences between private equity and stocks:
- Higher average returns than the stock market
- Less volatility
- Divergent correlation with traditional asset classes
- Less transparency and liquidity
What forms of investment are there in private equity?
- Direct investment
- Investing in individual PE funds
- Private equity fund of funds
Initial Analysis
Larger projects are usually not easy to finance through banks.
Whether strategically or for reasons of return: Investors invest in a project for different reasons. It is important that they understand this project properly and can form a picture of their investment. Investors can be convinced by facts, figures and words: figures that prove that, for example, the proof of concept of an innovation or service has been provided, or that the figures in a business plan are plausible. On the other hand, as described, an investor must "understand" the project, i.e. he must STAND BY IT. An appropriate presentation can open doors.
CONNex can take care of all the fine details in cooperation with the client.
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Expansion into new markets, concentration on core competencies, generation change: there are many good reasons for transactions.
But every deal requires a very specific strategy. Careful analyses and business planning concepts form the basis for strategic decisions on mergers and acquisitions and are the business management tools of CONNex's strategy consultants. They support companies in initiating the right measures.
CONNex experts analyse the competitive environment and identify market trends. Together with the company, they develop a strategy at company or business unit level, find possible target companies, buyers or sellers and highlight opportunities and risks. They translate the strategies into robust business plans and develop a basis for decision-making so that a company can actively shape negotiations and bring the transaction to a swift and successful conclusion.
CONNex generates information on the strategic, operational and financial positioning of companies and determines which parts of the company contribute to value creation or destroy value. The latter can be restructured or sold in order to advance the core business with the freed-up funds. In the run-up to a transaction, they also evaluate the strategic options with regard to the acquisition of a target company and identify synergy potentials.
Support for the strategic realignment
Companies use CONNex's know-how to back up their strategic vision with facts and thus initiate the next necessary steps. Even in rapidly changing market or even crisis situations, companies can act with foresight and have experienced experts at their side. CONNex supports companies in strategic reorientation in various sectors, for example in the development of future strategies.
In addition, CONNex specialists advise companies on strategic decision-making. In doing so, CONNex analyses value drivers and points out options for action, recommendations as well as their opportunities and risks. Examples range from investment advice to tax optimisation strategies or the choice of legal forms.
Strategic consulting also includes the development of viable concepts for restructuring companies - even in crisis situations. The course described is typically accompanied by a negation of the crisis by the responsible managers. Often they do not react until the earnings crisis or even the liquidity crisis. However, the chance of a successful corporate restructuring decreases rapidly from one stage to the next. Once the company's financing partners have been alerted, it becomes increasingly difficult to overcome the crisis on one's own. In this respect, the best way to combat a crisis is to recognise it at an early stage and take countermeasures. CONNex supports your company in every stage of the crisis, if necessary.
A fast, coordinated and parallel processing of different work strands is crucial in order to establish a diagnosis of the causes within the shortest possible time. At the same time, we form a transparent and proactive communication with the main groups interested in the company (stakeholders). In addition to operational crisis management including cash management and planning, as well as working capital management, we develop the recovery plan together with you.
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Advice for renewable energy and environmental projects
The market for renewable energies, but also for environmentally relevant projects from the waste and water management sectors, has developed into a significant and rapidly growing economic sector. The framework conditions have improved significantly in almost all European and international markets.
This development offers new opportunities to all investors, manufacturers and project developers as well as operators. At the same time, however, the requirements for professional, technical and economic project presentation are also increasing, especially with regard to project financing, with large-scale projects requiring international financing solutions.
The size of the projects becomes a financial challenge
Projects in the field of renewable energies are increasingly reaching scales where conventional financing solutions reach their limits. What is required is the application of structures and processes known internationally from the financing of large-scale projects to an innovative environment. Project financing" is a suitable and internationally accepted financing instrument for this purpose. Project financing defines the project as an independent economic entity ("project company") that finances itself solely on the basis of the cash flow generated in the future, with no or only limited liability on the part of the equity provider for loan repayment. In order to meet the requirements of project financing, in addition to technical and economic feasibility, resilient financing structures and risk factors must be demonstrated in a complex process
Numerous external specialists are involved in the structuring and preparation of project financing. In the field of renewable energy and the environment, this complexity brings new challenges that need to be properly structured and arranged, coordinated and monitored.
Many years of experience in the industry
CONNex has been involved in the renewable energy, water and waste management sectors for many years. CONNex is networked with national and international investors and financial institutions.
We know the requirements of the capital market
We are independent of financing interests and generate the best possible financing conditions for our clients in competition. Our fees can be combined between fixed and performance-based fees.
Investment consulting
Changing requirements for debt financing require new investment structures and investment approaches.
Investments become more international
The multitude of possible partners and forms of financing require comprehensive planning and exact timing coordination of the project. CONNex experts from the field of investment consulting accompany national and international investment projects.
Investment calculation
The economic efficiency of an investment is assessed with the help of investment appraisal, which maps all relevant payment flows. This business consideration can be supplemented by an analysis of the effects, especially on external accounting.
Financing concepts
Professional financing concepts, for example for equity and mezzanine transactions, open up financing alternatives and improve the possibilities of raising capital for investments. All relevant means of financing, including from public financial aid, are taken into account.
Location analyses
Important factors for the decision are the respective tax regulations, the legal environment and the national political framework. We draw on information from external tax and legal advisors.
Corporate law conception and contract drafting
CONNex assists companies in contract negotiations and recommends internationally active lawyers for the right choice of contract.
Fiscal conception
Tax aspects offer interesting structuring options for both foreign and domestic investments. The optimal investment structure is worked out by external tax specialists.
Control of the use of funds
The application of funds controls ensure that the funds of a project are used exclusively as specified in the investment planning.
Financing consulting
The structural change at credit institutions, the changed legal framework conditions as well as the many variants of financing offers require companies to rethink their financing structure. A new active financing structure is becoming increasingly important, possibly even essential for survival. In this context, the primary objective must be to ensure that the financing options are needs-based and cost-minimised.
Strategic corporate financing
The basis for the development of an individual financing concept is the strategic orientation of the company. The right proportion of equity and debt capital must be identified and built up with the selection of necessary and suitable partners, taking into account cost minimisation, tax aspects, as well as rating requirements. Here, advice independent of the individual financing products is required. CONNex accompanies its clients comprehensively until the successful conclusion of the financing.
Financing for restructurings
In crisis situations, management and investors need reliable information quickly, not only about the strategic and operational, but also about the financial condition of companies. In this context, operational restructuring aims to improve the earnings situation and to ensure the short-term viability of a company in crisis. CONNex develops measures to release liquid funds in the short term and to strengthen the liquidity situation of companies. In addition, CONNex advises on financial restructuring measures, including discussions with capital providers and suppliers.
Transaction financing
A transaction would be beneficial for the development of the company, but some of the capital is missing? CONNex's financing experts, who are independent of banks and products, support companies in selecting suitable capital providers and develop a financing concept based on integrated planning.
Initial Analysis
Leave nothing to chance and set the course for entrepreneurial success
Interpret your company figures quickly and reliably: The controlling report gets to the heart of your economic situation.
Designed for medium-sized businesses
The report was developed especially for the needs of small and medium-sized entrepreneurs. After all, they are often so busy with the operational business that there is little time left for analysing the business figures.
Complex figures become clear
Compact and presented with graphics and visual symbols, the controlling report brings the economic development of a company to the point. Instead of an opaque set of figures, it shows the critical aspects of the company's development in a way that is easy to understand and can be grasped at a glance. The report can be prepared on the basis of the current financial accounting.
We know the requirements of the capital market
We are independent of financing interests and generate the best possible financing conditions for our clients in competition. Our fees can be combined between fixed and performance-based fees.
- Planning and budgeting
- Successfully manage costs, profitability and liquidity
- Understand and interpret key figures
- Use instruments for corporate management
Your benefit:
- Transparency of sales and costs
- Strengthen your position with banks
- Active financial communication
- Easier lending and better interest rates from banks are possible
- Improvement of your rating with the banks according to Basel II
- No investment in expensive special software
- Solid and resilient corporate planning
- No formula errors, as is sometimes the case with larger Excel plans
CONNex accompanies you on the international stage
Companies that draw on an international network of economic relations are more successful than those that have only a narrowly limited pool of information.
- Foreign trade advice
- Foreign trade coaching
- Capital protection
- Business advice
- Market analysis
- Product launch
- Cooperation partner for joint marketing or
- Production of your goods and services, like business consulting
- Office service
- Founding of companies by partners and employees
- Advice to authorities
- Establishment of branches
- Project financing (capital security)
CONNex is currently active in the following foreign markets:
- France - Portugal - Spain
- China - Vietnam - India - Japan
- Latvia - Estonia - Lithuania - Ukraine - Russia
- Czech Republic - Romania - Hungary - Bosnia - Herzegovina - Macedonia - Bulgaria - Austria
- Turkey - Lebanon - Jordan - Iran - Iraq - ACP countries
- Other countries on request
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Successful right from the start
In all phases of a company, besides good ideas, optimisation of production and capital resources, the factors of marketing and sales are decisive for future success. Therefore, the topic of sales and positioning should also be directly focused on, because many decisions are made with regard to marketability and have an influence on the success of the project. Especially here, holistic approaches are in demand in the course of digitalisation.
With a network of experienced marketing and salesexperts, CONNex takes over the evaluation of the possible marketplaces (online/offline) and creates an expertise that, if necessary, points out helpful and comprehensive solutions that can make the project more successful and marketable right from the start. The earlier this is done, the more successful the course is set for a successful start on the market. These activities and their subsequent applications may also be eligible for funding and subsidies.
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Sooner or later, the question arises of selling the company in whole or in part.
What to consider when taking on new partners or merging with other companies is a mammoth task, or one or more conversations with those who know. The handover to the next generation should also be approached with strategy. To ensure that everything runs smoothly, we have experienced advisors who can assist you in the complex processes involved in company takeovers - discreetly and with a great deal of sensitivity.
Initial Analysis
Capital procurement and capital management are the most fundamental services that have to be provided in a company. Not only in the initial phase, but also in the phases of expansion, restructuring and even if the company is to be sold, all questions should be clarified here.
Financing concepts
Professional financing concepts, for example for equity and mezzanine transactions, open up financing alternatives and improve the possibilities of raising capital for investments. All relevant means of financing, including from public financial aid, are taken into account.
Strategic corporate financing
The basis for the development of an individual financing concept is the strategic orientation of the company. The right proportion of equity and debt capital must be identified and built up with the selection of necessary and suitable partners, taking into account cost minimisation, tax aspects, as well as rating requirements. Here, advice is needed that is independent of the individual financing products.
We know the requirements of the capital market
We are independent of financing interests and generate the best possible financing conditions for our clients in competition. Our fees can be combined between fixed and performance-based fees.
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